Four students, one road, two months of wilderness...

Mes, 4 drąsūs studentai, sugalvojome šią vasarą ekspediciją į Sibirą. Kelionės tikslas yra nufilmuoti dokumentinių filmų seriją "Lietuva, Sibiras ir Svajonės", kuriuose ieškosime skirtingų požiūrių į lietuvius, patriotiškumą, Tėvynę bei svajonių (ne)išsipildymą. Ketiname įveikti 13 000 km, dalis jų sunkiai išvažiuojamais keliais; maršrutas: Lietuva - Maskvos aplinkkelis - Ignatevo urvas - Novosibirskas - Barnaul - Irkutskas - Baikalas - Sajano kalnynas.
We are four students from Lithuania aiming to travel to Baikal and to document the journey in a series of films. In 1941 and 1945-1953 when Lithuania was under occupation by the Soviet Union, many Lithuanians were deported to Siberia. They dreamed of returning to Lithuania, but were not allowed. Having grown up in an independent country with stories about Siberia and their countrymen in exile, younger generations of Lithuanians dream of visiting Siberia. We want to find out for ourselves the true history and to show that it can be not only lamented but also explored, discovered and understood.

pirmadienis, balandžio 11, 2011

Pradžių pradžia

Pirmadienio vakaras, grįžau iš fizikos fakulteto ir ėmiausi darbo.
Vėl prirašiau daugybę e-mailų dėl finansavimo, kol kas niekam mūsų projektukas neįdomus.
Bet padėti sutiko:
LGGRTC specialistas Tomas Kazulėnas pagelbėtų su dokumentine medžiaga apie Lietuvius sibire padės su misijos viešinimu internete.

Labiausiai ramybės neduoda kuras ir automobilis kurį jau reiktų įsigyti ir pradėti remontuoti kelionei (tiesa pasakius jau vieną nusižiūrėjau už 4500lt).

Tiesa reiktų mūsų kelionės aprašymą įmesti ir į blogą:


My name is Paulius Naujalis. I am a student from Lithuania, studying Physics. Also, I am an active hiker and a wild life specialist. I have a dream and I want to tell you about it.

I would like to travel across whole Russia from my home in Lithuania to the mighty lake of Baikal. Whole trip would be driven with a reworked car, most likely Russian model UAZ or LADA. The main idea is to show the world, that students from Lithuania can be explorers too. Fixing and maintaining car by ourselves, we will take all the pressure while traveling in Russia. The main goal is to make a film and show the world all that we will face in our 13000km trip.

We have everything: dreams, wishes, strength, brains… Most important- a mission. The only thing missing is money. We want to ask for a support in exchange of advertising in our movie and website. Or maybe, you could suggest your way how you could help us and we could help You?

Expedition Details:

On the way to Irkutsk we are going to see the old Ignateva Cave which is a large limestone cave on the banks of the Sim River. In there, 6000-8000 years old drawings were found. The cave is more than 1200km away from Moscow, it means, it is more than 2200km away from home. Another destination is Barnaul. It is a town near Novosibirsk, 100 kilometers to south. Distance from Moscow is 3419 km. In 1941 (70 year anniversary), 3 full trains of Lithuanian people were deported to Barnaul. They were moved from their homes for hard manual labor. We would like to speak with those people about culture of their life and their past. Also, to look for old forgotten Lithuanian graves in cemeteries and leave some flowers there. One more goal is to stop in Irkutsk orphan children home and spend whole day with them in there. We would like to teach children Lithuanian songs and a few words in our language. This would be a good experience for them and us. Also, we will not forget to bring some goods from Lithuania to them. Fourth challenge is to make all the way at so called “M-53 Highway”. It’s a part of Trans – Siberian Highway which doesn’t have actual road, only mud. The off-road starts at Krasnoyarsk and it’s all the way to Irkutsk. The biggest challenge is to make a circle around Baikal as near as possible to the shore. It is not an easy task at all. The shore is full of mountains, rivers, swamps. The last part is to visit Sayan mountains and to climb to the top of the Munku-Sardyk which is 3,491m high and leave there a Lithuanian Flag as a symbol of the end of the journey. The whole journey would be Vilnius-Irkutsk (~5400 km) and a Circle around Baikal-Sayan mountains (~2200km). And whole way back (~5200km (not stopping in Barnaul)) in total of ±13000 kilometers! The idea is to make a documentary movie about Lithuania and Lithuanians in Siberia.

Kolkas tik angliškai, vėliau bus ir lietuviškas variantas, visgi esam lietuviai (flag:lt)

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